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Exciting News for Choto

It has taken 6 years for Choto to get a fire station and thanks to neighbors like Ed Stout that time is finally here. We have been following this neighborhood movement for many months and we are excited to see this happen.

The Farragut Press Enterprise announced the fire station will break ground this month next to the Weigels in the Choto area. The owner and developer John Huber speaks of the insurance savings this will offer the choto area in the article.

“As for the estimated “$2,944,000 million” in savings to 5,432 homeowners’ insurance premiums because they would have a fire station much closer than before according to Huber, “It’s really amazing how inflated the insurance rates are out there right now,” he added. “That area’s considered Class 10, which effectively means there’s no fire protection out there right now as far as the insurance companies are concerned.”

Huber is correct, for many years the insurance premiums for this area have been out of control. The fire station will dramatically help residents save on insurance premiums. But here is the thing that is not discussed and we think it is the most important – Safety! In the past, a fire truck could not find get to a burning house quick enough in the choto area.

Now with a fire truck close by, lives will be saved.

Photo: Ada Be

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