ATV Trail Riding: 7 Safety Tips You Can’t Ignore

If you’re like most outdoorsmen in East Tennessee, you probably grew up riding ATVs and still enjoy taking one out on the trails during hunting season from time to time. Though, even the most experienced riders can sometimes make the mistake of not taking ATV safety seriously – and with life-threatening consequences.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that each year, hundreds of outdoors enthusiasts die as a result of all-terrain vehicle related accidents and more than 100,000 are seriously injured.

But, that doesn’t have to happen to you. By following a few simple safety precautions, you can reduce your risk of getting hurt (or harming others) on your next hunting trip.

Tips for Staying Safe and Out of the Emergency Room

  1. Don’t drink and ride. Drugs and alcohol can seriously impair your judgement, slow your reaction time and jeopardize the safety of everyone else around you. The next time you go out on a ride, leave the beer back at camp.
  2. Always wear a helmet. Most serious ATV-related accidents occur when the rider isn’t wearing a helmet and experiences a blow to the head. That’s why it is so critical to wear a helmet every time you ride.
  3. Protect your eyes. Don’t risk getting a serious eye injury – be sure to wear protective googles when you ride. Other riders in front of you might kick up dirt and rocks, which could cause permanent damage to your eyes.
  4. Ride in designated areas. While it may seem tempting, never ride an ATV in an area that is off limits. Take the time to understand where you can – and can’t ride.
  5. Bring your friends. If you’re miles away from home and your ATV breaks down, you don’t want to be out on the trails by yourself. That’s why it’s always a good idea to ride with at least one other friend or family member every time.
  6. Enroll in a safety course. You might be surprised to learn that there are a wide variety of free ATV safety courses you can complete online. And, no matter how many years of experience you have under your belt, you’ll come away a better – and more confident rider.
  7. Protect your children. The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends that children under the age of 16 should not operate an ATV.

By taking the time to understand and adhere to these ATV safety guidelines, you can make your next hunting trip a successful one and return home safely.

Consult an Outdoor Insurance Specialist

A part of the Knoxville, TN community since 1946, the John Bailey Company knows that you need more than the run-of-the-mill coverage offered by other insurers. That’s why our insurance policies are designed especially for adventure seekers, hunters and outdoorsmen in East Tennessee. We know the outdoor recreation market, and cover the following insurance: hunting lease, rod and gun, shooting range, outfitter and guide, rafting, ATV rental and more.

Call 865.524.0785 or email for a free policy quote. Contact us today!

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