Vacation seems to be coming out of every one’s mouth lately, whether it’s still in the planning stages, packing, or just coming back from. Before you leave, keep in mind these tips to keep your home safe and electric bill down.
* Lower the air conditioning to 80 degrees to cut A/C costs if you will be gone for a short time period. If you are gone longer, turn it off completely.
* DO NOT BROADCAST YOUR ABSENCE! If you have a home phone, turn off your ringer. Have someone pick up your mail or even put a hold on your mail for the time you are gone. This also means not to broadcast your absence on social media sites.
* Disconnect all appliances, this includes disconnecting the computer from the internet and turning it off to protect personal information.
* Make sure all the windows and doors are locked. If you have an alarm system, make sure it is activated
* Turn off the water heater at the electric panel if you are gone for more than three days.
* Turn off unnecessary lights. Even put lights in main living areas on timers and set them to simulate occupancy to improve security.
You shouldn’t have to worry about anything other than putting enough sunblock on when going on vacation, so make sure to take a little extra time before leaving to help keep your home safe while you are not there.